GeoCloudSDI by GeoDataLab is an innovative WebGIS platform designed for professionals in urban planning, environmental management, emergency management, and geomarketing. Powered by GeoNode, Mapstore, and GeoServer, this solution offers advanced spatial analysis tools for identifying spatial correlations and optimizing pathways. Integrated with reliable territorial databases, GeoCloudSDI delivers comprehensive insights and ensures interoperability with other GIS platforms, making it an essential tool for the drone industry and beyond.
Provide drone operators with up-to-date information on ground hazards, air restrictions, and prohibitions related to the drone's location and altitude.
Altitude helpers, also known as terrain following, assist in converting flight paths from Above Ground Level to Mean Sea Level or the drone's Home referential.In areas with significant slopes, programming the drone to maintain a constant elevation above ground level is crucial for staying below the maximum authorized altitude and above the minimum safety altitude, ensuring avoidance of artificial or natural ground obstacles.
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